Pablo Martínez-Juarez

Pablo Martínez-Juarez


At Xataka On since

Environmental economist and science journalist. For a few years, I worked as a researcher on the economics of climate change adaptation. Now I write about that and much more.

106 published news

March 2025

  1. 26 March
  2. Nearly 20 Years Ago, a Telescope Captured a ‘Cosmic Tornado.’ Now, the James Webb Telescope Reveals It Was Hiding a Galaxy
  3. 24 March
  4. What if the Constants of the Universe Aren’t Truly Constant? Researchers Say the Key Lies in the Nuclear Clock
  5. 21 March
  6. A New Study Challenges the Belief That Creatine Is One of the Most Effective Supplements for Building Muscle Mass
  7. 19 March
  8. The Images of the Sunset on the Moon Are More Than Just Curious. They’ll Also Help Solve an Old Mystery
  9. Data From the James Webb Space Telescope Revives a Bold Cosmic Theory: Our Universe Exists Inside a Black Hole
  10. 17 March
  11. Researchers Detected a Strange Chemical Signal at the Center of the Galaxy. It May Be a New Type of Dark Matter
  12. 16 March
  13. Researchers Have Been Studying the Oldest Human Remains Found in Western Europe for Years. They Still Don’t Know Which Species They Belong to
  14. Can You Spot an Intelligent Person Based on Their Personality? Scientists Say You Should Stop Trying
  15. 15 March
  16. A New Study Confirms the Myth: Marriage Leads to Weight Gain, but Only for Men
  17. 12 March
  18. There’s One Way to Enhance the Effectiveness of Weight Loss Treatments Like Ozempic. The Key: Tricking Your Metabolism
  19. 07 March
  20. Researchers Discover an Anomaly at the Bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The Issue: They Don’t Know What It Is
  21. The Creator of Ozempic Has a New Plan: Selling and Sending Wegovy Directly to Consumers
  22. 04 March
  23. The Key to Longevity Lies Not in Our Genes but in Environmental Factors. The Good News Is That You Have the Power to Change Some of Them

February 2025

  1. 27 February
  2. Putting Toilet Paper in the Fridge May Seem Weird. Believe It or Not, It Does Have Some Benefits
  3. Should We Really Be Worried About the Cracks Forming in the Earth’s Crust?
  4. 26 February
  5. Mathematicians Took 300 Years to Prove Fermat’s Last Theorem. Computers Have Yet to Succeed
  6. 25 February
  7. We’ve Long Believed That Recycling Plastics Was Worth It. In the End, It Might Be Just a Myth
  8. 22 February
  9. Researchers Have Discovered a Cosmic Network of ‘Highways’ Formed by Gas and Dark Matter Filaments
  10. 21 February
  11. The Atacama Desert Is One of the Driest Places on Earth. Despite This, Scientists Are Trying to Extract Water From Its Air
  12. 20 February
  13. Calisto Is the Second-Largest Moon on Jupiter. It’s Also the Place Where We Just Discovered an Ocean
  14. 18 February
  15. The Biggest Mystery Thriller Isn’t Currently in Theaters, but in Space: Hubble Is Investigating Whether a Star Has ‘Faked’ Its Own Death
  16. 17 February
  17. Bird Flu Has Reached One of the Planet’s Most Remote Places: Antarctica. It’s Putting Penguin Colonies at Risk
  18. 14 February
  19. New Evidence Suggests ‘Dark Forces’ Can Deform Atomic Nuclei
  20. 13 February
  21. Scientists Develop a New Type of Plastic That’s as Durable as Traditional Plastics. The Difference: It’s Recyclable
  22. 12 February
  23. There’s a New ‘Theory of Everything’ for Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease. The Key Lies in Tiny Granules
  24. 10 February
  25. Thermal Clothing Faces New Competition: A Fabric That Warms the Body Instead of Just Protecting You From the Cold
  26. 06 February
  27. You’d Need to Detonate the Earth’s Nuclear Arsenal 130 Times to Release the Same Amount of Energy That Created the Moon’s Great Canyons
  28. 05 February
  29. The Health Benefits of Omega-3 Are Well-Known. Scientists Now Claim That It Also Has Rejuvenating Effects
  30. 03 February
  31. An Amateur Fossil Hunter Stumbled Upon a Wonderfully Weird Discovery: Fossilized Vomit From the Age of Dinosaurs

January 2025

  1. 31 January
  2. U.S. Approves a New Non-Opioid Painkiller for the First Time in Decades
  3. 30 January
  4. Physics Is Broken, and the Evidence Is Mounting. The New Hubble Constant Estimate Deepens the Problem
  5. 29 January
  6. Ocean Surface Temperature Is Rising Faster Than Ever: It’s More Than Four Times Warmer Than It Was in the 1980s
  7. 28 January
  8. The Earth’s Crust Is Disappearing Beneath California. The Evidence Is in the Earthquakes
  9. 26 January
  10. Engineers Wanted to Simulate 500 Million Years of Evolution Using AI. They Found a New Fluorescent Protein Along the Way
  11. Six Months Ago, Researchers Discovered Dark Oxygen in One of the Most Remote Places on Earth. Now They Want to Know More
  12. 24 January
  13. Scientists Already Knew Octopuses Were Highly Intelligent. Now, a Research Team Has Discovered They Have a ‘Brain’ in Each Arm
  14. 21 January
  15. Researchers May Have Found a New Natural Alternative to Ozempic. It’s a Microbe That Lives in Your Gut
  16. 19 January
  17. While Humanity Dreams of Colonizing Space, Researchers Propose a New Idea: Living on the Seafloor
  18. 18 January
  19. Researchers Develop a New Way to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease: A Simple Head Turn
  20. 17 January
  21. According to a Study, Your Fitness Matters More Than Your Weight—At Least If You Want to Live Longer
  22. 16 January
  23. A Study Confirms What Everyone Suspected: Plant-Based Milks Contain Fewer Nutrients Than Cow’s Milk
  24. 14 January
  25. We Know Yellowstone Hides a Colossal Volcano—Now Scientists Know Where It Will Erupt
  26. Scientists Are on the Verge of Creating ‘Artificial Naps.’ However, They Require You to Implant an Electrode
  27. 12 January
  28. A Cave in France Hid a Strange Rock Formation. Researchers Believe It May Be the Oldest Known 3D Map
  29. 11 January
  30. The Key to Happiness in 15 Affirmations: If You Identify With Them, You May Be Happier Than You Think
  31. 10 January
  32. Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. However, Not All Sleeping Pills Are Effective
  33. 07 January
  34. This Crater in Russia Hid a Surprise From 50,000 Years Ago: A Well-Preserved Mammoth Calf Named ‘Yana’
  35. 02 January
  36. UFOs Are a Distraction: This Is Why Astrobiology Is the Best Way to Find Extraterrestrial Life

December 2024

  1. 26 December
  2. Humans Are Living Longer and Longer. Now, the Ultimate Goal Is the So-Called ‘Longevity Escape Velocity’
  3. 21 December
  4. These Are the Real Reasons Why Archaeologists Are Reluctant to Open the Tomb of China’s First Emperor
  5. 13 December
  6. A Whale Sets a Migration Record by Crossing Three Oceans to Breed—And That’s Bad News
  7. 08 December
  8. 60 Years Ago, Scientists Lost Track of One of the World’s Rarest Egg-Laying Mammals. Recently, They Were Lucky Enough to Rediscover It
  9. 06 December
  10. One of the Greatest Mysteries of the Himalayas Lies in Its Geology: Researchers Have Discovered It’s Destroying the Earth’s Crust
  11. 05 December
  12. Google Believes Its New AI Model Can Forecast the Weather More Accurately Than Meteorologists. It Won’t Be That Easy

November 2024

  1. 29 November
  2. The Genetics of Dogs Living Around Chernobyl Are Evolving. It May Not Be Due to Radiation
  3. 27 November
  4. Hats Off: The James Webb Telescope Reveals a Stunning New View of the Sombrero Galaxy
  5. 25 November
  6. Scientists Already Knew Cephalopods Were Intelligent. Now, a Cuttlefish Has Successfully Passed a Test Designed for Children
  7. 23 November
  8. This New Meat Substitute Isn’t Made From Plants or Created in a Lab: It Comes From an Unknown Sea Creature
  9. 17 November
  10. An Old Hypothesis on the Origin of Life Gains New Momentum With the Solution to the ‘Chicken-and-Egg’ Problem
  11. 11 November
  12. Yellow Brick Roads Don’t Just Exist in Movies. There’s a Real Yellow Brick Road Under the Sea
  13. 08 November
  14. CagriSema Is Ozempic’s Newest Competitor. The Twist: It’s Made by the Same Company
  15. 05 November
  16. Researchers Find a New Clue to the Three-Body Problem: The Islands of Regularity
  17. 01 November
  18. Sweden Had Led the Way in Classroom Digitization, but Now Reverses Course

October 2024

  1. 27 October
  2. Collagen Isn’t Just a Common Ingredient in Anti-Aging Creams. It’s Become a Pillar in the Cosmetics Industry
  3. 25 October
  4. Dogs Are Still Evolving. It Makes Sense: Our Relationship With Them Is Also Changing
  5. 21 October
  6. Physicists Have Been Searching for a Fundamental ‘Fifth Force’ for Decades. The Bennu Asteroid May Have Brought Them Closer to Finding It
  7. 20 October
  8. A Man Tried to Create a Giant Hybrid Sheep. It Landed Him in Jail
  9. 18 October
  10. The Water Cycle as We Know It Is in Danger. One of the Reasons: We’ve Been Ignoring ‘Green Water’
  11. 06 October
  12. The James Webb Telescope Helped Scientists Discover Carbon Dioxide in the Most Unlikely Place: Pluto’s Moon

September 2024

  1. 23 September
  2. More People Are Taking Magnesium Supplements to Sleep Better, but Science Doesn’t Entirely Back It Up
  3. 21 September
  4. SandAI Is an AI Model Created Specifically to Study Grains of Sand. There’s a Good Reason Behind It
  5. China’s Zhurong Rover Found These Mysterious Polygonal Structures Under the Martian Soil. They May Be More Common Than We Thought
  6. 15 September
  7. As Soon as the James Webb Telescope Started Operating, It Seemed to 'Break' Cosmological Models. There’s Another Explanation
  8. 14 September
  9. In 2018, Workers Stumbled Upon an 8th-Century Tomb. It Had a Particularly Unique Feature
  10. 09 September
  11. Latinos in South Florida Have Been Blending English and Spanish for Years. Linguists Say They’ve Created a New Dialect
  12. 07 September
  13. Can We Lose Weight by Walking? According to These Researchers, the Answer Lies in Our Genetics
  14. 03 September
  15. Peanut-Shaped Asteroids Are Surprisingly Common in the Solar System. Astronomers Just Discovered One
  16. 02 September
  17. NASA Has Confirmed a 60-Year-Old Hypothesis: The Earth Has a Third Hidden Energy Field

July 2024

  1. 16 July
  2. A Species of Cactus Has Disappeared in the U.S. For the First Time, the Primary Suspect Is Sea Level Rise
  3. Productivity Gurus Insist That You Have to Wake Up at 5:00 a.m., But Science Isn’t So Sure
  4. 14 July
  5. The Race for the ‘New Ozempic’ Has Another Competitor: Pfizer and Pill to Lose Weight Fast
  6. 13 July
  7. 10 Years Ago, a Japanese Company Set Out to Build a Space Elevator. It Doesn’t Look Like They're Going to Finish It Anytime Soon
  8. 11 July
  9. Hurricane Beryl Is a Grim Warning of What's to Come: An Intense Hurricane Season
  10. 08 July
  11. The Color Blue Is Surprisingly Rare in Animals and Plants. There’s a Good Reason for It
  12. 01 July
  13. Scientists Are Investigating the Source of More Than 5,200 Craters Discovered off the Coast of California. It May Have to Do With Gravitational Forces

June 2024

  1. 29 June
  2. The Asteroid Bennu Has Just Revealed a Clue About the World It Came From. The Key Is in Its Phosphates
  3. 26 June
  4. We've Always Thought That the Authentic Paleolithic Diet Consisted in Mainly Eating Meat. We Were Wrong
  5. 24 June
  6. Scientists Have Discovered a New Link to Depression in an Unexpected Vital Sign: Body Temperature
  7. 16 June
  8. Researchers Have Found 150,000 Tons of Ice on Mars Hidden in Plain Sight: In Its Volcanoes
  9. Scientists in the 1970s Thought That Larger Animals Should Be More Susceptible to Cancer. They Also Found It Wasn’t the Case
  10. 06 June
  11. We’ve Just Managed to Photograph Io Like Never Before. The New Photos Let Us Keep Track of Its Volcanic Activity From Earth
  12. 05 June
  13. In 2020, CRISPR Won the Nobel Prize for Revolutionizing Medical Science. Now, It’s Coming to a Salad Near You
  14. 03 June
  15. Some Experts Expect This Week’s Auroras to Be as Spectacular as the Ones We Saw Last Month. These Are Their Reasons
  16. With New Treatment, Regrowing Teeth Is One Step Closer to Becoming Reality

May 2024

  1. 31 May
  2. The Blue Crab Is One of the Most Dangerous Invasive Species in the Mediterranean. In Italy, They Have a Plan: Eat Them
  3. Cardio or Strength Training? Experts Says There’s No Debate on Which Is the Ideal Exercise After 50
  4. 29 May
  5. The James Webb Telescope Just Opened a Window to a Key Moment in the History of the Universe: The Birth of the First Galaxies
  6. 28 May
  7. Tattoos Have Been Normal for Years. They're on the Verge of Their Next Evolution: Becoming Biosensors
  8. 25 May
  9. The First Problems With the Neuralink Brain Implant Reveal Its Weakness: Its Conductive 'Wires'
  10. 24 May
  11. The ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Hiding Something Unexpected That Jeopardizes Its Existence
  12. 22 May
  13. Stephen Hawking Fell Short in His Prediction: The Universe Is Doomed To Evaporate
  14. 21 May
  15. The Psychology Behind Doomscrolling: The Trap Our Brains Are Programmed to Fall Into Again and Again
  16. 20 May
  17. Einstein’s Relativity May Not Reach All Corners of the Universe. Some Say It’s a ‘Cosmic Glitch’
  18. 18 May
  19. It's Not Just Auroras: The Sun Has Produced Its Biggest Flares in 20 Years. Here They Are As Seen From Space
  20. 17 May
  21. We've Long Known That Humans Carry Neanderthal DNA. Now, We’re Starting to Understand Its Implications
  22. 06 May
  23. Mysterious Objects in New Mars Images Aren't Swarms of Spiders, Scientists Say
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