An Apple Executive Recommends Studying This Programming Language. Here's How You Can Learn It From Scratch

  • Apple’s programming language is 10 years old.

  • You can learn by playing games, even if you don’t know anything about programming.

Swift programming language
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Guille Lomener


Guille Lomener


Passionate about Apple, technology, and the quiet life. Very curious and  always looking at the positive side of life. For me, Apple isn’t a  company, it’s a way of life and a way of doing things. “Simplicity isn’t  something simple.”

4 publications by Guille Lomener

Learning a programming language is becoming as essential as learning another language, such as Spanish or French. Today, many jobs require basic programming knowledge. For specialized professions such as developers, web page creators, and multi-platform application developers, it's as critical as breathing.

Many people don’t know where to start when learning to program from scratch. There are so many different languages and ways to learn, so much so that even Apple has its own language, called Swift. It just turned 10 years old.

This Is the Programming Language Recommended by a Top Apple Executive

In the world of programming, the basic languages are Python, C, C++, Java, C#, and JavaScript. As you advance in the field, languages change in popularity. In this regard, Apple’s director of languages, Ted Kremenek, has no doubts over which one you should study, whether you want to start from zero or discover new development techniques.

According to Kremenek, Swift’s security, speed, and accessibility make it the ideal candidate to replace all previous programming languages. In fact, the White House recommends using Swift to reduce vulnerabilities at scale because it’s a more secure code.

Swift, the programming language of the future, is up to 8.4 times faster than Python.

Swift is a modern programming language compared to its competitors, such as C++ (1983), Java (1995), and Python (1991). In the ranking of the most used programming languages, Swift is ranked 17th.

Learn to Code Even if You Know Nothing

Considering Kremenek's role at Apple, it’s unsurprising that he recommends the company’s programming language. However, it's true that Swift has clear advantages over other, more popular models. To make it easier for Swift to become popular, Apple created an app that teaches you the basics of programming through a game. Although it may seem like an app for children, it’s a valid tool for anyone who wants to experiment with programming.

The app is called Swift Playgrounds and is available for iPad and Mac. It’s a fun way to learn the powerful programming language created by Apple and used by professionals to develop some of the most popular apps today. Best of all, with Swift Playgrounds, you don’t need to know anything about programming. You can learn the basics by solving puzzles.

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