A Student Used a Hidden Camera and AI to Cheat on a University Exam. Now, He’s in Jail (and He Failed the Test)

  • According to authorities, the accused student entered the exam room with a button spy camera.

  • He also had an earpiece and modem hidden in one of his shoes.

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Javier Márquez


Javier Márquez


I've been in media for over a decade, but I've been marveling at the possibilities that technology brings us much longer. I believe we live in a world where the digital revolution is changing everything and that Xataka is the best place to write about it.

146 publications by Javier Márquez

A student referred to by the initials M.E.E. was caught cheating on a college exam in Turkey. Authorities state that the individual used an Internet-connected device with artificial intelligence to answer the questions. As a consequence, the student has been arrested and is expected to face trial for this offense. Additionally, he’s been subjected to an educational disciplinary measure that will last for a minimum of two years.

According to local media outlet Haberler.com, M.E.E. took a Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) in the city of Isparta, in western Turkey, on June 8. This test is a mandatory requirement for admission to higher education institutions. ÖSYM, the institution responsible for organizing the exam, only allows students to enter the examination hall with a transparent bottle of water. To enforce this rule, the buildings are usually monitored by cameras.

A Student With a Button Spy Camera

Isparta police state that the student began acting suspicious after returning from the restroom. The person in charge of the administering the test room noticed this behavior and asked him to leave the room. Subsequently, the police officers intervened and discovered that the student had concealed multiple electronic devices on his person.

Authorities say that the student managed to bypass entry controls by hiding the devices to cheat in the bathroom. Specifically, the devices included a button spy camera sewn into his shirt, a modem concealed in one of his shoes, and an earpiece. It’s believed that the student used the camera to take photos of the exam questions and that he received answers via an AI system through the earpiece. However, this method was unsuccessful.

Items seized from the suspect Items seized from the suspect.

We don’t know which AI system the student purportedly used, but authorities say that one of the reasons M.E.E. “panicked” was that the system he had devised to pass the exam didn’t work properly. Another person, identified by the initials A.B., had also been considered a suspect and had even been arrested, but was released after questioning.

In any case, it looks like M.E.E. will get the short end of the stick. It’s not clear whether he’ll finally receive a jail sentence, but he’ll remain deprived of his liberty until the trial. To make matters worse, he’s been banned from taking the TYT test for two years. This means that during that period of time he won’t be able to retake the exam that he was caught cheating on and no other equivalents, either.

Image | Isparta Police Department

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