Samsung Has Just Revolutionized Electric Car Batteries, Improving Their Range, Charging Time, and Lifespan

  • The new batteries can provide a range of 600 miles on a single charge, can be fully recharged in just nine minutes, and have a useful life of up to two decades.

  • The company expects these advancements to support the shift towards electric cars.

  • The batteries will first be available in the “super premium” range and are set to enter mass production by 2027.

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Alba Mora


Alba Mora


An established tech journalist, I entered the world of consumer tech by chance in 2018. In my writing and translating career, I've also covered a diverse range of topics, including entertainment, travel, science, and the economy.

259 publications by Alba Mora

Samsung has recently revealed a solid-state battery for electric cars that boasts some potentially industry-transforming specifications, according to AutoEVTimes:

  • 600 miles of range on a single charge
  • Recharges in nine minutes
  • 20 years of service life

Why this matters. This technology addresses some of the major hurdles to the widespread adoption of electric cars, including limited range, lengthy charging times, and battery durability issues.

Some context:

  • The automotive industry is currently moving towards electrification, and some governments are setting deadlines for this transition.
  • Giants such as BYD and CATL are leading in battery production volume.
  • Samsung is focusing on innovation to differentiate itself and capture more market share.
Global Electric Car Battery Production By Manufacturer

Key points:

  • Energy density of 500 Wh/kg, which is almost double the current average of 270 Wh/kg.
  • It uses solid electrolytes instead of liquid, improving safety and reducing the risk of leaks and fires.
  • It’s lighter and more compact, offering new design possibilities for car manufacturers.
  • It initially targets the “super premium” segment of electric cars.
  • Mass production is planned for 2027.

Technical innovations. The new batteries include a silver-carbon composite layer at the anode, which is only 5 μm thick and solves common problems with lithium metal anodes. This allows for a thinner anode and increases the overall energy density.

Some perspective. Samsung isn’t alone in this race. Manufacturers such as CATL and other Chinese companies are developing technologies similar to the one announced by the South Korean company, albeit with some difficulty.

This type of project is often referred to as the “million-mile battery,” in reference to a much desired battery with a long service life. The wait for this battery has been long. If Samsung succeeds in bringing these batteries to mass production and gradually lowering their price, it could be a turning point in the history of the automotive industry, accelerating the mass adoption of electric cars.

This article was written by Javier Lacort and originally published in Spanish on Xataka.

Image | Michael Fousert

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