South Korean Lab Produces Hydrogen on a Large Scale Using an Abundant Resource: Sewage

  • Zero-Gap technology generates 120% more hydrogen from organic waste.

  • The device improves on bioelectrochemical cells as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative for fuel production.

South Korean lab produces hydrogen on a large-scale using sewage
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Matías S. Zavia


Matías S. Zavia


Aerospace and energy industries journalist. LinkedIn

174 publications by Matías S. Zavia

An old technology that had never been commercialized due to low efficiency has made a massive leap in productivity thanks to a South Korean invention.

Background. Bioelectrochemical cells (BECs) use specialized microorganisms, such as electrogenic bacteria, to oxidize organic compounds and release electrons and protons.

During the metabolic reaction, electrons are transferred from the anode to the cathode, producing an electric current. Protons move from the anode through an exchange membrane and separate into hydrogen ions. These electrons and hydrogen ions then combine to produce hydrogen gas.

Although the process is sustainable, its low efficiency has prevented large-scale commercialization compared to more polluting solutions—until now.

The news. A team of scientists at the Korea Energy Research Institute (KIER) has made a significant breakthrough in clean hydrogen production using bioelectrochemical cells.

Zero-Gap technology Comparison of the existing cell structure vs. the newly developed cell structure.

The team developed and certified a “Zero-Gap” technology that promises cost-effective, large-scale hydrogen production from organic waste. This innovation addresses two critical issues: the rising demand for green hydrogen and sustainable waste management.

How it works. Zero-Gap minimizes energy losses during reactions within the bioelectrochemical cell. Its design reduces the distance between electrodes and the cell separator, improving electron transfer.

Unlike other zero-gap systems, KIER’s design avoids pressure imbalances at larger scales by incorporating a cylindrical cap that applies uniform pressure. According to its creators, this design ensures complete adhesion between components, avoids efficiency drops, and maintains consistent performance, even at large scales.

Performance metrics. Zero-Gap technology has demonstrated its potential in tests certified by the South Korean Testing Laboratory. The results are remarkable: 180% more electrons and 120% more hydrogen compared to conventional processes.

“This technological development not only addresses the environmental and economic challenges of processing organic waste in (South) Korea but also represents a significant breakthrough in the high-efficiency production of clean hydrogen energy,” stated a press release.

Advantages and challenges. Bioelectrochemical cells can produce hydrogen from a wide range of organic wastes, including sewage, industrial water, agricultural waste, and biomass.

They offer a sustainable alternative to conventional methods, such as methane reforming, which generate significant carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, they can be installed at waste production sites, reducing transportation costs.

However, challenges remain. Production rates are still relatively low compared to industrial methods, and the microorganisms require precise conditions for optimal performance.

Images | Joseph Russo | KIER

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